Looking for a little help passing the Series 65 or Series 66 exam?
We have a solid track record of helping people pass their exams, recently and over the previous 7 years.
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I currently have a series 7 and series 63. I failed the 66 by one question about a year ago, and I found it to be much more difficult than the 7. Can you recommend which exam I should take now (65 or 66)? Thank you
ReplyDeleteif you did well on the Series 7, take the 65. www.passthe65.com . . . get the full package. this coupon code will save you 10%: webinar
Deletethe 66 has a higher focus on the strange, somewhat subjective law and definitional stuff. The 65 has big overlap with the 7 on sections 2, 3, and even 1--top some extent.
ReplyDeleteThank you. So, even though it was two years ago when I first took the series 7, you think my best option would be to take the 65?
ReplyDeleteProbably. If it's been 2 years, the advantage has probably diminished somewhat. Would you prefer a test with more questions on investment vehicles (Series 65) or one with more definitional/law/regulatory questions (Series 66)?
ReplyDeleteHave a rough time studing, ADD, have failed the 65 2x's, would like to take the 65 exam in the next couple of months. Have used 2 other companies study materials, thought I knew the material but the real test was sooooo much different that the material I studied, thought I was taking the wrong exam. looks like you may have what I need to get this 65 behind me. Is your studing material very much up to date, the latest greatest material, or stale and outdated?
very much up-to-date. Be sure to get full package, and also do at least one Go No Go exam under "Am I ready to pass my exam?" before sitting for your next and final attempt
ReplyDeletePerhaps one final question, and I know this depends on each individual person and how they prepare, but what % that use your material pass the 65? I have over 200 clints so I stay pretty busy, so how much time do I need to study. Any suggestions on how to get this done in the shortest period of time without sacrificing the mission.
there's really no way for us or any vendor to track a pass rate. The people who buy our materials seldom tell us what happened or even respond when we follow up. But, since we do almost zero marketing and are still thriving 8 years after launch . . . folks must be passing. You'll need to study a few hours a day, four days a week, for about 6 weeks. Use our Go No Go exams to measure your readiness.
ReplyDeletewhy would anyone need to take the 66 if they already have the 63? The 65 is easier and would accomplish the same thing, wouldn't it?
ReplyDelete"The 65 is easier." Not sure how one could prove or even bolster that claim. Lower passing score? Would NASAA really provide industry with an easy way and a harder way to get the same license? No--the testing company writing the questions calibrates them to be equally difficult. One would not need to take the 66 if he had the 63. But, if one has to become an IAR and happens to have the 7 and the 63 already done, it's a toss-up between Series 66 and 65. If you like more questions on investment vehicles and economics, go with the 65. If you like fewer questions on that stuff and more on laws/definitions/ethics, go with the 66.