The best part of my chosen career is the satisfaction I get helping others to pass their securities license exams. Checking my InBox last night, I found this uplifting email from a Series 65 customer:
Whoo, Hoo, I passed the 65 today with an 85%. Your training materials and test questions are awesome. They provided all I needed to learn (along with the official website readings).
Your practice test questions are right on.
Your practice test questions are right on.
This student had already taken the GoNoGo exams that you'll find at http://www.passthe65.com/. Her scores were 86% and 90%, for an average score of 88%. As usual, the score on the actual Series 65 was a bit lower, but only by 3 points. At this point, the majority of GoNoGo exam scores are + or - 6 points from the actual score on the Series 65. This is not a guarantee, but it does imply that anyone scoring in the high 70's has a high chance of passing the exam at the testing center. I encourage you to take one or both "GoNoGo exams" just before scheduling your test. If you don't like the results, send me an email at walker@passthe65.com to set up some private, online tutoring.
Remember--you want to get the 65 off your plate before the end of 2009, when the passing score jumps from 68.5% to 72%.
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